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LHM MICU Ambulances Saving Lives in Israel

For nearly a decade you, and other caring Larry Huch Ministries friends, have funded nine fully-loaded Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) ambulances as well as two defibrillator kiosks for the State of Israel.

These vehicles and medical devices have saved an untold number of lives. That includes delivering multiple babies. This little girl was delivered healthy and safely with the help of one of our MICU ambulances that you generously provided. 


Over the years, infant boys and girls have taken their first breath inside the protection of an ambulance because of your prayers and offerings.

Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s version of the Red Cross, receives all levels of requests for emergency services and treatments including the call that came in for two-year-old Shimon.

One dark night, his older brother noticed that Shimon was not breathing. Their father called MDA and a MICU ambulance quickly dispatched to rescue him. When the EMTs arrived, Shimon was not breathing.

The paramedics used a defibrillator on the toddler and miraculously Shimon started breathing again.

Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do through your prayers and gifts to save many lives in Israel.

latest ministry updates

Helping Heal Israel

Days after the October 7th attack by Hamas in Israel, Pastor Larry Huch was on the ground with Keren Hayesod’s world chairman Sam Grundwerg to review the damage and help where needed.

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Israel Relief Funds Helps Thousands

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Military Ambulances Providing Miracle Stories In Israel

Through your most generous and timely support, Larry Huch Ministries has been able to provide two new Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) ambulances for Israel since the war with Hamas began.
One of these lifesaving vehicles was airlifted in by Magen David Adom, Israel’s top emergency medical system, and has already responded to multiple injuries caused by Hamas invaders.

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