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Rebuilding Lives

We are blessed to share the impact that your good work has had for those who desperately need your help. Compassionate LHM friends like you are making possible untold blessings to Israel and the Jewish people in many life-changing ways. With God’s help, we will continue standing strong for Israel in 2023!

For many years now, Larry Huch Ministries––thanks to your prayers and support–– has been partnering with local agencies across Israel to help suffering and needy Jews.

It is our hope that as you read this overview you feel the deep appreciation from those you help, our Israeli partners, and all of us at LHM.


Your offerings have been a godsend in providing life’s basic needs for destitute elderly Jews and Holocaust survivors in multiple communities all across the Holy Land.

Thousands of needy Jewish people have received basic food aid which includes items such as pasta, rice, canned goods and cooking oil. Your loving support makes this outpouring possible for many. Your compassionate outreach is also the reason that we could effectively distribute basic necessities as well as items to celebrate Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights.

This allowed Jewish people to feel more connected to their biblical heritage while bringing joy and meaning which helped to combat their deep feelings of loneliness and isolation.


Someone you have helped is Anna who was born in 1928 in Ukraine. As a teenager she hid behind a closet for several months and even changed her name to hide from the Nazi soldiers who wanted to take her.

She was eventually captured, sent to work in a chemical plant, but fortunately released once the war was over. “I am grateful to be living in a home that Larry Huch Ministries cares and provides for. I can now celebrate holidays and feel like this is my family. Every day I wake up and know I am not alone,” Anna said.

Larry Huch Ministries is able to help care for elderly Jews like Anna thanks to your continued support and blessing of Israel and her people in need.


Along with holiday food boxes and many other personal essentials, we are helping fund the renovation of much-needed bomb shelters for elderly Jews and Holocaust survivors. Rocket attacks can launch at any time with no warning or notice leaving only just a few minutes to move these fragile Jews to the safety and protection of an adequate bomb shelter.

Many of these shelters do not have any running water, electricity, safety rails, or even stable walls to properly protect those inside.

Through your assistance, we are working to upgrade several shelters to meet more needs of our Jewish brothers and sisters.


“I cannot overstate the importance of the life-changing and lifesaving value of what Christian friends like you have helped accomplish,” stated Pastor Larry.

“I pray you will continue helping us assist even more of these needy elderly Jews and Holocaust survivors with your heartfelt prayers and most generous gifts of lifesaving support,” he continued.

“Together, we can help people like Anna and others who have survived so much strife in their lives.”


Thank you for all you have done to help save Jewish lives and bless Israel in obedience to God. We pray for the Lord’s blessing over you as you bless Israel. (Genesis 12:3)

latest ministry updates

Helping Heal Israel

Days after the October 7th attack by Hamas in Israel, Pastor Larry Huch was on the ground with Keren Hayesod’s world chairman Sam Grundwerg to review the damage and help where needed.

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Israel Relief Funds Helps Thousands

The October 7th massacre did so much damage that Israel continues to suffer from its effects and still needs our help. Those being helped by your support include boys and girls who are victims of the terror, as well as families and individuals who have lost everything or have been displaced due to the deadly rocket attacks and assaults.

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Military Ambulances Providing Miracle Stories In Israel

Through your most generous and timely support, Larry Huch Ministries has been able to provide two new Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) ambulances for Israel since the war with Hamas began.
One of these lifesaving vehicles was airlifted in by Magen David Adom, Israel’s top emergency medical system, and has already responded to multiple injuries caused by Hamas invaders.

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