Day 22: More Than A Conqueror!
Wear The Full Armor
On your journey to become better, you will discover that the enemy is lying in wait to ambush you, your finances and your future. But if you are DRESSED FOR SUCCESS, the enemy will be defeated in your life.
As a believer you are in a spiritual battle, but it’s a battle God is going to help you fight and win!
This is why the Bible says we are to put on the FULL armor of God. Every piece is not only necessary but it is vital to your victory. Each one has a unique purpose and will help you defeat the enemy every single time. God has called you to be more than a conqueror!
When you learn to use all the spiritual weapons and resources that God has given you, YOU CAN’T LOSE!
Today’s Prayer: Lord, I want to praise You today that You are Almighty God in my life. You have equipped me with powerful spiritual armor. Thank You for Your promise of victory over every enemy and every obstacle that I face. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.