Day 50: Don’t Miss God’s Amazing Promise!
Today the Day of Pentecost has fully come. It’s the grand finale of this special 50 days that began at Passover. It’s another extraordinary part of God’s plan to equip, transform and bless your life.
Today the Day of Pentecost has fully come. It’s the grand finale of this special 50 days that began at Passover. It’s another extraordinary part of God’s plan to equip, transform and bless your life.
Day 1: A Revelation That Will Change Your Life!
We Serve A Good God
“…it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32
Your heavenly Father loves you with a deep, everlasting love and He desires the very best for you! You are grafted into God’s family—the apple of His eye!
Every single day, you have the most incredible opportunity to encounter God in prayer. It’s when He begins to apply His super to our natural.
As your Father, God is always eager for you to come into His presence.
Changing the way you think is one of the keys to becoming a better you!
I always like to remind my church that, “What the enemy means for evil, God is going to use for your good.”
The revelation behind “Hallowed be Your Name” is one of the secrets to powerful prayer.
The revelation of who God is will transform your life! That revelation comes from understanding the Names of God which reveal not only Who He is, but what He wants to do for you.
One of the amazing things about our Heavenly Father is that He calls Himself Jehovah Jireh. The God Who is your Provider.
One of the most famous Psalms in all of the Bible is Psalm 23 where God introduces Himself as Jehovah Rohi – the God Who is your Shepherd and Guide.
As a believer, God has made an incredible promise to you through His Name Jehovah Nissi. He is your Victory and Protection.
God’s perfect plan is for you to live in divine health. That’s why He introduces Himself in Exodus 15:26 as Jehovah Rophe – the God who Heals us.
God wants you filled with peace. This is possible because He is Jehovah Shalom – the God Who fills us with His Peace.
God, as Jehovah M’Kaddesh, will continue to develop His divine nature within you. He is the God Who sanctifies you.
Jesus first shed His blood in the Garden of Gethsemane to redeem your will.
The blood of Jesus gives you access to divine health! At the whipping post, Jesus broke the curse of sickness and disease off of your life. (John 19:1) You have a great destiny. You must be healthy and strong to accomplish all God has called you to do.
The blood of Jesus gives you access to divine health! At the whipping post, Jesus broke the curse of sickness and disease off of your life. (John 19:1) You have a great destiny. You must be healthy and strong to accomplish all God has called you to do.
The blood of Jesus gives you access to divine health! At the whipping post, Jesus broke the curse of sickness and disease off of your life. (John 19:1) You have a great destiny. You must be healthy and strong to accomplish all God has called you to do.
Jesus paid the price so you could walk in spiritual power and authority in every area of your life!
God loves you so much that He sent Jesus Christ. His healing power covers and delivers you from all the pain, sorrow, and grief.
If that’s all Jesus did, forgive us of our sins, we couldn’t praise Him and thank Him enough. However, Jesus didn’t just shed His blood to forgive us. He shed His blood to break every curse that comes to block our blessing.
As a believer you are in a spiritual battle, but it’s a battle God is going to help you fight and win! This is why the Bible says we are to put on the FULL armor of God.
Jesus is the living truth, His Word is truth, and He wants to anchor you in the truth. That’s why it’s so crucial that you spend time in the Word and let it saturate your mind and heart.
Your spiritual breastplate represents your good deeds. They guard your heart against being cold, indifferent, and unconcerned. If you want to increase the amount of victory in your life, increase your acts of kindness and charity.
One of God’s great desires for your life is that you would be filled with peace!
God will always bring unexpected blessings and miracle breakthroughs. We just need to keep our eyes on Him and not the circumstances.
God wants us to live a transformed life, but we have to learn to align our thoughts, words and actions with the Bible. The ongoing result is that instead of you being afraid of the enemy, the enemy will be afraid of you.
Not only will the Word of God protect you from attacks, but you can also use it to go on the attack.
In the very first chapter of Genesis, God says, Let us make human beings in Our image, making them reflect Our nature.
Ancient Bible wisdom teaches the moment you’re conceived you stand before the throne of God. The Lord gives you a unique and special purpose. No matter what this may be, God has called you to make a difference.
One of the great honors that Christ has given us as believers is that we are on this Earth to be His ambassadors! We get to represent the Lord and His Kingdom.
The essence of the Christian life is to learn how to love God and how to love your neighbor as yourself.
As a believer, to achieve all that God has planned and purposed for you, you have to be part of the team.
God’s goal for the body of Christ is living in unity and giving one another encouragement. We must avoid words that create discord, strife and confusion in our family and in the church.
God will multiply His blessing when you make an effort to do something for Him!
What most people don’t realize is you can have either positive faith or negative faith. Your thoughts, words and deeds determine whether your faith produces good results or bad results.
What you have to remember is: that God is the God of miracles. He restored sight to the blind. He fed the 5000. He raised Lazarus from the dead. He parted the Red Sea. He put a gold coin in the mouth of a fish. He turned water into wine and even provided water from a rock.
As you trust God and His amazing plan for your life, don’t get caught up in a preconceived idea of how God is going to bring blessings and miracles into your life. Remember His ways are above our ways.
God has a good, acceptable and perfect will for your life. His plans for you are always GOOD, yet it’s important to remember God’s timing is not always our timing.
When God was going to pick a king, the prophet came and Jesse brought out all the good looking sons, the muscular sons and the educated sons. He didn’t even think to bring in David, the son that God had chosen.
Too many times, people believe they are not good enough to be blessed by God. The devil doesn’t mind if you believe that God will bless people. He just doesn’t want you to believe that God will bless YOU.
God desires you to be successful in every area of your life. For us to live like this, we have to be able to fight the good fight of faith.
Joy is a supernatural gift and one of the fruits of the Spirit. It manifests even in the most challenging situations.
One important part of this great journey in your Christian life is to discover the purpose and direction God wants you to take. He has an amazing destiny for you!
One of the many powerful teachings that come up during the spring and fall biblical holidays is forgiveness and repentance. Working out our salvation always includes examining our lives. Taking stock of how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go.
The more you understand who you are in Christ and what unique strengths and talents you’ve been blessed with, the more productive you will become.
If there were only one divine principle I could teach you that would change your life and destiny, there is POWER in your WORDS!
As a believer, you have the same power the disciples received 2,000 years ago. The Holy Spirit is waiting for you to step out in faith and go to work.
The Pentecost seed brings a harvest of wisdom, symbolized by God giving Israel the Bible. It brings a harvest of anointing represented by God giving us the Holy Spirit.
Today the Day of Pentecost has fully come. It’s the grand finale of this special 50 days that began at Passover. It’s another extraordinary part of God’s plan to equip, transform and bless your life.