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Day 25: Doing Our Father’s Business

Wear Shoes That Bring Peace

“. . . and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace . . .”

Ephesians 6:15

One of God’s great desires for your life is that you would be filled with peace!

When Paul includes the shoes in his list of the armor of God, he undoubtedly is thinking of a Roman soldier. These warriors didn’t wear just ordinary boots or shoes. They were made of leather and metal and covered both the feet and the legs. This not only protected them from injury but also anchored them in battle so the enemy couldn’t push them back. What a picture of what God wants to do for you!

Notice however that the benefit of the shoes comes by sharing the Gospel! You share the gospel with someone by your actions and your words. Isaiah 52:7 explains that you are spreading beauty throughout the world because the Gospel is good news. It will bring people love, hope and peace.

One of the reasons Proverbs 11:30 declares that “Those who win souls are wise” is because sharing the love of God defends you from the attacks of the enemy. It also anchors you in faith, so that you can stand strong no matter what circumstances you might be facing! 

Today’s Prayer:
Lord, I praise You for creating me for good works and to do acts of kindness. Thank You that You’ve promised that my acts of righteousness will guard my heart from every attack of the enemy. Fill my heart today with a love for others, and help me take advantage of opportunities to be a blessing.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.