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Day 33: Be On The Winning Team

Body Of Christ

“But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.”
1 Corinthians 12:20

As a believer, to achieve all that God has planned and purposed for you, you have to be part of the team.

Nobody wins the Super Bowl with just a good quarterback. You have to have a good team. You need somebody that hikes, runs, catches, kicks, blocks and tackles. Victory requires the entire team.

If you’re ever going to see everything that God has for you, you’ve got to understand that it’s not just you and God. You are part of a sacred assembly. You are part of a community.

The Bible says that the early believers continued meeting in the temple, studying the Word of God and going from house to house breaking bread. (Acts 2:42-47) What this all means is that we not only need God, we also need each other.

When you actively participate in the body of Christ your victory is assured. You will share in salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing and all the other amazing blessings God has promised!

To stay on the pathway to victory, make sure you are connected to the body of Christ. (Hebrews 10:25) Then you are guaranteed to be part of a winning team!

Today’s Prayer: Thank You Father, that I am part of the body of Christ. As I stay connected to Your winning team, the victories in my life will be multiplied. As I stand with other believers, we will experience peace, joy, unity and all of God’s blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.