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Day 36: The Secret To Great Faith

You Can Grow Your Faith

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

What most people don’t realize is you can have either positive faith or negative faith. Your thoughts, words and deeds determine whether your faith produces good results or bad results. (Matthew 9:28-29)

Negative faith speaks about the size of your problem. Positive faith speaks about the size of your God. What kind of mountains are you facing in your life? Legal mountains? Medical mountains? Financial mountains? Jesus says you can move mountains with (positive) faith the size of a tiny mustard seed. (Matthew 17:20)

How do you do this? Go to the Word of God. Find the promises that speak to those issues in your life. Begin to pray and confess those scriptures over your situation. You WILL see the mountain begin to disappear!

This is how your thoughts, words and deeds come into alignment with God’s plan. Remember, faith is a muscle you have to build up. It’s time to take action. Become a “doer” of the Word — not just a “hearer” and you will become a better you! (James 1:22)

Today’s Prayer: I thank You, Father, for giving me Your Word and all the faith I need to move the mountains in my life. Right now I break every pattern of negative thinking and negative speaking. I praise You, Father, for filling me with the power to prosper in every area of my life. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.