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Day 6: You’re On The Verge Of A Breakthrough!

The Truth You Know Will Set You Free

“For I know the thoughts that
I think toward you, says the LORD,
thoughts of peace and not of evil,
to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11

I always like to remind my church that, “What the enemy means for evil, God is going to use for your good.”

So, if the enemy has told you, “You’re never going to make it. You’ve blown it too many times. You’ve made too many mistakes. You were born on the wrong side of the tracks. You’re not educated enough. You’re too old. You’re too young.” What you have to remember is, the devil is a liar. You still have a destiny, a future and a hope!

Here is the truth, God’s thoughts for you are ALWAYS good. God says you are more than a conqueror! (Romans 8:37) God says you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! (Philippians 4:13) God says nothing is impossible to those who believe! (Mark 9:23)

This is your time. This is your season. This journey you are on right now is meant for you to experience God’s miracle breakthrough power.

Today’s Prayer: Father, thank You for my miracle breakthrough today. Thank You for breaking every curse of the enemy. I release the anointing of God that brings peace, hope and destiny. In Jesus’ name. Amen.