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Military Ambulances Providing Miracle Stories In Israel

Through your most generous and timely support, Larry Huch Ministries has been able to provide two new Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) ambulances for Israel since the war with Hamas began.

One of these lifesaving vehicles was airlifted in by Magen David Adom, Israel’s top emergency medical system, and has already responded to multiple injuries caused by Hamas invaders.


Both ambulances are greatly needed as sixteen emergency rescue vehicles were destroyed by Hamas rockets and physical attacks, or were stolen at the hands of those violent terrorists.

These and the previous nine MICU vehicles that you have sponsored are truly “hospitals on wheels.” These units aid paramedics in treating emergencies while out in the field, as well as help transport the injured to local hospitals and clinics.

MDA is now using a MICU ambulance model that affords paramedics nearly 24% more headroom, providing them with additional space to operate when their actions can mean life or death for the patient.

Compassionate Larry Huch Ministries supporters such as you continue to provide Israel with additional lifesaving MICU ambulances to care for even more lives.


“We are believing to quickly get even more vehicles in production as God continues to provide through our faithful and generous donors,” said Pastor Larry Huch.

“We knew that there was an urgent need to replace the stolen and destroyed ambulances. The way you stepped up in such a historic manner is deeply gratifying,” he continued.


As a friend who loves Israel and the Jewish people, we now encourage you to join us once again in helping provide even more of these MICU vehicles for Israelis in need.

Thank you for all your heartfelt prayers and your offerings that will provide for needy Jewish people’s physical and mental well-being.

God bless you for being a blessing to Israel.

This is history in the making – it is a prophecy in the making, and we want everyone who can to be a part of it. Stay in the know with our Insider Israel Updates and learn more about our Israel Relief Fund.  God Bless you and your loved ones. 

Larry Huch Ministries

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