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Seven Places Jesus Shed His Blood

There Is Ultimate Power in the Blood of Jesus!

We know that we live in a fallen world and darkness seems to surround us at times.  We get countless letters from people who are desperate for answers to their problems– some who know Jesus and others who don’t.  There are people all over this nation who battle generational curses on their own life or on their family’s lives—depression, suicide, sickness, perversion, promiscuity, anxiety, failure, poverty, abandonment, witchcraft, fear, rebellion, abuse, and addictions of every kind. The list goes on.

A letter arrived from a man who said that he wept uncontrollably as he listened to Pastor Larry’s testimony. He shared how Pastor’s story could have been his story, except that he had already lost his wife and kids because of his raging, out of control anger. He had become hopeless as he tried everything he could think of to change his life. He told of how he continued to fail time after time. If given the option, he even said he would rather be the abused victim rather than be the abuser, because as an abuser he had to live with the relentless, horrible shame and guilt.

God Wants You to Live Without Guilt and Shame Today!

There is a lot of attention focused on the victims of abuse, and rightly so, but this man pleaded, “I’m an abuser, but I’m a victim too, a victim of my own rage. Please help me to change.” Pastor Larry’s heart broke as memories and feelings from his past flooded over him. He recognized how desperately people need to know how they can be set free.

As we read these letters and hear these stories, we weep before God. We are reminded of what Hosea the prophet said: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6). This is what drives our determination to feed people the truth. We have to get the Word of God to those who are being trampled underfoot by Satan, to those who are worn out and ready to give up in defeat. The enemy does not spare any tactics in trying to defeat God’s people. Nothing is beyond demonic assault. Nothing, that is, except the blood of Jesus.

Your Salvation is Not Limited to Salvation Alone

The blood of Jesus is the power source for our salvation and our freedom. The very moment we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts and lives, we are forgiven for our sins. Jesus then becomes Jehovah-Tsidkenu, our righteousness; and Jehovah-M’kaddesh, our ongoing sanctification.

We are made righteous by the blood of Jesus that washes away every sin we ever committed. Isaiah 1:10 reminds us of the atonement saying, “though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” That means we are clean. That means we are no longer enemies of God; instead we are in right relationship with Him. The blood of Jesus does not simply cover up our sin. The good news of Jesus Christ is far better than that! It doesn’t matter if the sin is drug addiction, abortion, lying, or stealing, when we claim the blood of Jesus, His blood washes that sin away.

Jesus Made Sure You Can Live Your Best Life

Our sins are like a deep-dyed stain that can’t come out in a normal washing. But though our sins are deep-dyed stains, the blood of Jesus makes us whiter than snow. From God’s perspective, the blood of Jesus cleanses us so we appear before Him as if we had never sinned. (See Acts 3:19) Amen and Hallelujah!!

As good as that is—and that news is great because it is the hope for our lives—it is not the whole story of our salvation. What many Christians do not know is that their salvation is not limited to forgiveness of sins. The God who said to Pastor Larry many years ago, “Larry, your sins are forgiven,” is the same God who said, “Cocaine, be gone. Alcohol, be gone. Poverty, be gone. Disease, anger, and violence, be gone.” _______ be gone! You fill in the blank. He is the same God! What is it that you need to be gone from your life today? He is the same God and He can do it for you too!

Here are all the seven places Jesus shed His blood for you:

  • In Gethsemane, Jesus Won Back Your Willpower
  • The Stripes of Jesus’ Back Won Back Your Health
  • Jesus’ Crown of Thorns Won Back Your Prosperity
  • Jesus’ Pierced Hands Won Back Dominion Over the Things You Touch
  • Jesus’ Pierced Feet Won Back Dominion Over the Places Your Walk
  • Jesus’ Pierced Heart Won Back Your Joy
  • Jesus’ Bruises Won Your Deliverance from Inner Hurts and Iniquities

You can find further teaching in his revolutionary book Seven Places Jesus Shed His Blood here, along with a FREE 7 places Jesus Shed His Blood Bookmark!

His Love Will Heal Your Broken Heart Forever!

The sixth place Jesus shed His blood was in His side when a Roman soldier shoved a spear into it. Blood and water poured out, a medical indication of a broken heart. Jesus died so that you could be forgiven. He was heartbroken from the burden of our sins. As He hung on the cross, Jesus’ heart broke for us.

The soldier pierced his side to make sure Jesus was dead. He was crucified on a Friday and the Sabbath began at sunset that day. To comply with Jewish law, the soldiers went and broke the legs of each person to accelerate their death. Eventually a person hanging on a cross could no longer hold themselves up. Their body weight caused their lungs to collapse. They would die a slow, horrible death from suffocation. That did not happen to Jesus. Scripture had prophesied that no bone in the Messiah’s body would be broken. When the soldiers went to break Jesus’ legs, He was already dead.

Many are suffering from major changes that started with the pandemic. There has been a major increase in fear, anxiety, and depression, but Jesus took care of all this, just as He said He would. The Scripture Jesus read in the synagogue, when He announced His ministry, was fulfilled on the cross. Reading from the scroll of Isaiah, He said, “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.”

Tired of Being Depressed? – Get Your Joy Back

Jesus was anointed with the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God to heal the brokenhearted. Why the brokenhearted? Because God desires for His people to live in joy. When you are filled with joy, you have the strength to fight the good fight of faith. The joy of the LORD is your strength.

Healing broken hearts is not something we can do ourselves; it is something God has already done. All you must do is receive it. If you have walked for years with a broken heart, Jesus Christ has already made you whole. Today, His healing power can deliver you from pain and sorrow and fill you with His joy, not just today but for the rest of your life.

It Is Time to Experience God’s Victory in Your Life!

The seventh, and last place Jesus shed his blood was when He was bruised. The Word of God declares that “He was bruised for our iniquities.” Remember that iniquity means “a wicked act or sin.” We believe that it is also any spirit that breaks you down. It is a spiritual force on the inside that pressures you to bow or bend under its destructive power.

When you see a bruise on your body, it indicates that you are bleeding on the inside. Some bruises last a long time and go very deep. God said, “Not only will I forgive what you have done on the outside, but I am going to give you power on the inside so you can walk in total victory.” Jesus said, “Not only was I wounded to forgive you for your sins, but I was also bruised on the inside to do a miracle inside you.” His blood is greater than any demonic force that could ever come against you! Receive all that Jesus’ blood has done for you today!

Your Life Will Change Forever When You Receive This Revelation!

Although these are just two places where Jesus shed his blood, you can discover the full revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you through His death and resurrection! We wanted to make this available to you. So for your Tzedakah offering of any amount to offer hope and healing through our many outreaches in Israel, we will send you these thank you gifts:

  • USA and Israel bracelet
  • SEVIIN: The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood – a teaching by Pastor Larry Huch on both CD and DVD

These deeper truths will reveal the extent of God’s redeeming power to save, deliver and heal through each place Jesus shed His blood – from the Garden of Gethsemane, to the whipping post, to the crown of thorns and all the way to Calvary. Every single wound removes a curse from your life and connects you to another of God’s redemptive blessings.

You can overcome every obstacle in your life through the power of His Blood. God bless you as you discover all that Jesus accomplished for you on the cross.

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