Day 8 – 40 Days of the Shofar

The Lord designates this as a “due season” of judgment and reward. The daily blowing of the shofar represents God’s alarm clock to wake us up from any spiritual sleep or slumber. In His great love and mercy He sounds an alarm so we are not caught unaware and miss the abundant blessing about to happen. One of the traditional sounds is 9 quick blasts in short succession (Teruah) — which resembles an alarm.

Day 7 – 40 Days of the Shofar

Right now we’re entering into the season of the shofar. The shofar is God’s spiritual alarm clock! It’s the time of year when God’s power and presence are working to draw us back to Him. He wakes us up to spiritual opportunities and reminds us to get back to accomplishing His agenda.

Day 5 – 40 Days of the Shofar

The Bible teaches that the shofar is the trumpet of God. The blowing of the shofar is still meant to serve important biblical purposes including; the sound for war, the announcing of the coronation of the King and announcing the fall season of Elul, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.

Day 3 – 40 Days of the Shofar

In Leviticus 23 God instructs Israel to blow the trumpet on the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, which is also called the Feast of Trumpets. Ancient tradition teaches we sound the shofar for a full forty day period beginning the 1st of the Hebrew month of Elul through the festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This season is known as the season of “teshuvah” which means to return.

Day 1 – 40 Days of the Shofar

For the next 40 days until Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the shofar will sound. It’s God’s trumpet calling you to ‘teshuvah’ – to return to the Lord – with your whole heart. It’s a time to refresh your relationship with God and His people!