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Hand Delivering Hope in A Box

One of our greatest outreaches is providing for elderly Jews and Holocaust survivors. 

Close to 7,500 of these elderly Jewish people are living in one of our Amigour homes where together with our partner agency in Israel we provide for them to live independently, yet remain connected to many unique social services that Larry Huch Ministries and friends like you help fund.

These safe housing units are caring environments that empower elderly Jews, like Hannah.  She was a young, eight-year-old when her parents were hauled away by the Nazis to a concentration camp. She had to forage for food just to survive. That feeling of helplessness has stayed with Hannah into her adult years. Fortunately, she was able to make aliyah to Israel and now lives in one of our homes.

Please understand, that we are not just delivering food. We are delivering a level of compassion and love that is changing lives for the better.

Ivola’s story is yet another beautiful example of the incredible impact these outreaches are making.  

Ivola, a 97-year-old Holocaust survivor, was a young girl when she and her family were packed into crowded boxcars and shipped off to Auschwitz. After years of abuse and starvation, Ivola finally returned home when the war ended.

Unfortunately, only she and one of her sisters survived, but they found refuge in a girls’ home under the care of loving people who provided for them. Years later, she married and her family made their aliyah to Israel. Ivola is now a widow and lives in one of our sponsored homes. She receives food items monthly and special items to use in celebrating Biblical holidays.

Our Larry Huch Ministries food box outreach is a reminder that our task is truly a most sacred calling, reminding us, as God said in Isaiah 40:1 to, “Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people.”

Ivola, like many others, is often overcome with tears of joy and appreciation as she welcomes these food deliveries that your love and compassion provide for her. “Thanks to your help, I now know that I’m not alone. This means so much to me. You have warmed my heart and filled my soul,” she added.

Please watch Benjamin’s touching story and put a face to the hope we are delivering.

These food boxes allow these precious souls to not only stock their meager pantries with food, but 

to also honor and celebrate the Biblical holidays that mean so much to them.

Please know how grateful we are to you for helping people like Hannah, Ivola, and Benjamin. We are truly appreciative of your continued prayers and generous support making their final years easier. We trust that you are encouraged by the good deeds being done for Israel and her people in need.

Thank you again for your continued help as we minister to those in need.  Your tzedakah offering this month provides food boxes for Rosh Hashanah as well as hope to those elderly Jews who feel they have been forgotten.

Thank you for standing now with Israel in this Season of Elul—the last month of the Jewish year—when we spiritually prepare for the High Holy Days of reflection and repentance. It is also in the “40 Days of the Shofar,” when God’s spiritual alarm clock draws us back to Him. What better way to return to Him!

Your prayers and tzedakah offerings will provide food boxes for Rosh Hashanah as well as hope to those elderly Jews who feel they have been forgotten. You are drawing close to God by helping His people who are in great need.

God Bless You

Your Best Is Yet To Come

Larry Huch Ministries

latest ministry updates

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