As violence against Israel and lies against the Jewish people’s right to the Holy Land continue to grow, Larry Huch Ministries stands strong by her side with unwavering support.
One way LHM does this is by partnering with the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF).
The IAF is a faith-based diplomacy-in-action group that consists of 50 major caucuses which include 1,200 influential international lawmakers.
“We are playing a key role on the political frontline for Israel in Congress right now by advancing pro-Israel initiatives, speaking out in the media, and introducing key legislation to ensure that Israel has the tools it needs to fight Hamas,” said the U.S. IAF director.
Our united front is the main reason that we have embassies in Jerusalem and new legislation against vile antisemitism, plus resisting the impact of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS). Together, we are continuing
to dismantle UNRWA over its direct ties to Hamas, speak out against Iran as the chief origin of regional terrorism, and voice opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state.
Additionally, LHM and IAF support a one state solution with Israel and Jerusalem being undivided.
God decreed the entire land of Israel to Abraham in a firm covenant that cannot be broken.
Pastor Larry Huch is deeply honored to once again be named among Israel’s top 50 Christian Allies worldwide, recognized for his steadfast, faith-driven support. He believes that standing
with Israel is the foundation of all the rich blessings that God is going to bring to us in these last days.
As we celebrated Sukkot, The Israel Allies Foundation(IAF) released its fifth annual list and highlighted how critical Christian support is amid the ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza.
We know that this honor is shared with all of our faithful covenant partners. Without them, we would not be able to care for Israel through our various charitable outreaches from our Israel Relief Fund providing mobile bomb shelters and other emergency needs to our ongoing care including project Aliyah, caring for Holocaust survivors, and providing mobile ICU ambulances.
Together, we are making a meaningful impact on Israel and the Jewish people, demonstrating our love through united efforts.
Whether large or small, your Sukkot First Fruits offering will help save lives in Israel, while serving as a beacon of hope for the Jewish community.
By giving your best, you will not only bless others but also see the impact in your own life promised in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you (Israel), And I will curse him who curses you (Israel).”
Get ready the windows of heaven are opening up over your life!