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LHM Sponsors Children Of Israel

Psalm 127:3 says, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

Larry Huch Ministries firmly believes in this Scripture, which is why we are sponsoring a Day Camp for Israeli children in collaboration with the National Children’s Victims
of Terror Fund.


This camp will bring hope and healing to 1,000 children who have been victimized and traumatized by the ongoing war and rocket attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah.

These innocent boys and girls have been suffering from the terrifying effects of PTSD.

Fortunately, at Day Camp, they will learn many coping techniques to help them in their recovery and healing.

They will do this through therapeutic activities that will include arts and crafts, games, culinary lessons, Jewish holiday traditions, and hands- on animal therapy.

Many young boys and girls are not always able to convey their fears and feelings through words. These activities allow them to process and work through the stressful situations they have experienced.


For the past several years, LHM has sponsored summer and Hanukkah camps for these traumatized youth.

We are now expanding as the needs arise to add additional camps thanks to your prayers and offerings.

Through your continued support, we are showing them there are Christians who love and care for them.

latest ministry updates

Operation Olive Grove Update

When Larry Huch Ministries first started our Operation Olive Grove outreach over ten years ago, it was on a barren hillside. Because of your generous support over the years, thousands of olive trees are
now making the desert bloom. The people of Ma’ale Amos— located just south of Bethlehem
—are farmers who make their living tilling the land and growing olives in their groves.

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LHM Leads The Way For Governments

Recently, there has been a great shift in the battle against antisemitism in large part to LHM’s efforts with the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF).
Now, many countries are changing or adapting policies to stand united with Israel.
Together, we are working to reduce the rapid spread of antisemitic hate worldwide.

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LHM Sponsors Children Of Israel

Psalm 127:3 says, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

Larry Huch Ministries firmly believes in this Scripture, which is why we are sponsoring a Day Camp for Israeli children in collaboration with the National Children’s Victims of Terror Fund.

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