We are rapidly approaching the twelve-month mark of Hamas’s brutal and deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
As we near this date, rockets are continuing to rain down from Hamas terrorists in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and Iran to the east.
Fortunately, thanks to your prayers and offerings, Larry Huch Ministries is continuing to provide needed assistance all across the Holy Land.
“I am proud of the way you and other ministry friends have rallied to Israel’s side since the earliest days of Hamas’s horrific wave of terror,” said Pastor Larry.
LHM has and will continue to provide food boxes, temporary shelter, basic necessities, PTSD counseling for children, MICU ambulances, bomb shelters, and much, much more.
Sadly, there is no ending in sight for the vicious attacks by terrorists who seek to destroy Israel and annihilate Jewish women, men, and children.
Each time an Israeli leaves home for work, school, or even the grocery store, they are facing the high risk of a rocket attack.
This is a goal of terrorism: to make everyone feel fearful all the time, no matter where they are or what they are doing.
Israel needs you to continue standing strong for her right to exist and to care for her people.
Your ongoing prayers and offerings make a difference.
In return, know always that God will bless you as He promises in Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you [Israel].”