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Operation Olive Grove Update

When Larry Huch Ministries first started our Operation Olive Grove outreach over ten years ago, it was on a barren hillside. Because of your generous support over the years, thousands of olive trees are now making the desert bloom. The people of Ma’ale Amos— located just south of Bethlehem are farmers who make their living tilling the land and growing olives in their groves.

The world calls this area the It West Bank, but we Christians know it by its proper biblical name of Judea and Samaria.

It was home of the prophet Amos whom God used to speak a powerful prophecy about the Jewish people’s return to Israel.

“I will bring my people Israel back from exile. . . . They will plant vineyards . . . make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them.” Amos 9: 14–15


Plus, while on our visit, Pastor Larry was inspired to purchase a large generator for the community that will provide power in the event terrorists cut the power lines in Ma’ale Amos.

Thank you for helping to fulfill biblical prophecy and caring for the Jewish people.

latest ministry updates

Anti-Semitic Dangers Are Growing Across America

Even before the Oct. 7 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel, there had been clear evidence that anti-Semitism across the globe was growing rapidly.
Recently, the FBI reported that anti-Semitic hate crimes have hit record-high levels in the United States.
Last year there was a 63% increase in all reported anti- Semitic incidents.

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Pastor Tiz Encourages Others Through Her Healing Journey With God

Nothing is too hard for our Lord. Through God’s great miracles and blessings, Pastor Tiz Huch continues to overcome her fight with cancer.
At one point, her doctors said she would surely pass away because she was just too weak to continue in her recovery.
Yet, she had that determined fight and belief in her eyes and heart that few physicians ever experience. That’s how rare her miracle is.

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Holiday Boxes Are Needed for Holocaust Survivors

Our recent holiday food box distribution during Rosh Hashanah blessed over five hundred elderly Jews and Holocaust survivors.
Thanks to your support, they had the special items needed to celebrate this sacred time as well as food to stock their shelves.

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