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Pastors Larry and Tiz Huch Receive Top Honors!

Congratulations Pastors Larry and Tiz Huch for once again being recognized for your tremendous impact on the nation of Israel. The Israel Allies Foundation has released this year’s latest “Top 50 Christian Allies.”  As we observe the Feast of Tabernacles, the organization honored those in close connection with and impacting Israel.  No. 1 on the annual list was Former U.S. Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.  Brazil’s 38th President Jair Bolsonaro was named as their number two slot.  Third-spot honors went to Pastors Larry and Tiz Huch, known for their unwavering support of Israel.

Through their partnership with Keren Hayesod they offer many charitable outreaches throughout the nation, including Project Aliyah, helping provide ICU Mobile ambulances, feeding and caring for Holocaust survivors, and faith-based diplomacy.   They are also known for their international, daily television program, multi-racial congregation, NB Church in the center of the DFW Metroplex in Texas, and having authored many books on various topics. Through ministry partners and the church’s ongoing efforts, and their unique biblical vision, they are fulfilling Bible prophecy by tearing down the walls of division between Jews and Christians.

This impressive list of leaders from IAF is considered to be the premier acknowledgment from Israel. IAF President, Josh Reinstein, commented about this year’s list, “We are honored every year to recognize these incredible men and women of faith from across the world…They are Israel’s greatest friends and most loyal allies. Due to their years of hard work, we are seeing embassies moved to Jerusalem, antisemitism called out, bomb shelters built, pro-Israel policies enacted at the highest levels of government – the impact of their support is truly limitless.”

Larry Huch, upon hearing of this recognition, said in response, “To me and my family, our ministry is a divine call. I feel like we were put here on Earth to defeat antisemitism, to let the Gentile world know how wrong the Church has been in so many ways, and to help them see that the world is changing.”  Concluding his remarks, he called for Christians around the world to bless Israel.   “Jews and gentiles should come together to serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” and in doing that, God will bless them.”

The Huchs expressed that they felt privileged to be presented with this award by The IAF, an organization that works hand-in-hand with 1,200 lawmakers and 50 Israel Allies Caucuses to garner international support for Israel, rooted in common Judeo-Christian values. This extensive network encompasses the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus, the European Union Parliamentary Israel Allies Caucus, and the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. You can read  more in the Jerusalem Post article here. 

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