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We Can’t Be Silent: Stopping Anti-Semitism

We Cannot Be Silent About Anti-Semitism

Ever since Israel defended herself against Hamas’s deadly attack on October 7, anti-Semitism, anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish assaults have exploded around the world.


France, the United States, Israel, and other countries have seen a dramatic rise in hostility toward Jewish people. In Paris, Jewish homes and businesses were spray-painted with the Star of David. These ‘tags’ are derogatory in meaning like seen during the Holocaust.

In New York, a Jewish high school teacher had to barricade herself in her own classroom as hundreds of students flooded into hallways rioting, chanting, shouting, and waving their Palestinian flags and banners. Also in Israel, a Hamas terrorist opened fire at a bus stop outside of Jerusalem, killing two and injuring eight. Larry Huch Ministries, working alongside Israel Allies Foundation and with your support, is working to end and prevent these attacks.

Pastor Larry Huch has participated in numerous interviews on TV, across social media, and in magazine articles supporting the Jewish people.


Recently, LHM hosted hundreds of supporters at our Unite the Light event vowing solidarity with Israel. Pastor Larry also had Rabbi Lapin, Sam Grundwerg (Keren Hayesod chairman), military personnel, and others at church services speaking about what is truly going on in Israel.

Your prayers and offerings send a powerful message that you stand with Israel and that she and her Jewish people are not alone.

Through your assistance, and God’s protection, we know Israel will not only survive this brutal war but will come out victorious.

This is history in the making – it is a prophecy in the making, and we want everyone who can to be a part of it. Stay in the know with our Insider Israel Updates and learn more about our Israel Relief Fund.  God Bless you and your loved ones. 

Larry Huch Ministries

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Israel’s Enemies Seek Her Total Destruction

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