Day 37: Nothing Is Impossible With God!
Don’t Limit What God Can Do
Isaiah 40:29-31
Your fear of failure can keep you from believing God can do anything.
What you have to remember is: God is the God of miracles. He restored sight to the blind. He fed the 5000. He raised Lazarus from the dead. He parted the Red Sea. He put a gold coin in the mouth of a fish. He turned water into wine and even provided water from a rock.
Over and over again the Bible reassures us that with God, all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26)
God can do anything! What you have to understand is He is no respecter of persons. He WANTS to do miracles for YOU!
Today’s Prayer: I praise You Father, for not only being the God of miracles but for wanting to release them in my life. I thank You for all the great things You have in store for me.
In the Name of Jesus. Amen.