Larry and I have always been determined to trust God and believe in His promises. We have overcome many challenges over our years together as husband and wife and as a ministry team. However, I will admit it, this C diagnosis was a whole new level of a giant to overcome.
For years we prayed for the sick and saw God heal them, either instantly or through a process. In my heart I could hear each of us declaring from the podium, “Whose report will we believe? We will believe the report of the Lord!” Always!
The Realms of the Medical and Spiritual
We do not believe that there should be a conflict between the medical realm and the spiritual realm. We have believed and prayed for thousands of people over the years, including our- selves and our own family. Sometimes we see instantaneous miraculous results. We sure love that! Sometimes we don’t see those results right away. The Bible says that Jesus did so many great miracles that they couldn’t even fit it all into one book. Many were instantaneous, colossal miracles. When we read the Gospels, we see numerous accounts of people raised from the dead, blind eyes opened, bondages broken, and demon-possessed people freed. No doubt, Jesus performed supernatural, genuine miracles.
The Gospels also record that at other times the sickness was arrested and the healing process began. A blind man was brought to Jesus. Jesus spit into his eyes! Then He laid hands on the blind man and asked him, “Do you see anything?” Let’s look at the blind man’s answer in this account: He looked up and said, “I see men like trees, walking.” Then He put His hands on his eyes again and made him look up. And he was restored and saw everyone clearly. Mark 8:24–25
The blind man saw a little bit at first, but he didn’t see completely right away. What did Jesus do? He put his hands on the blind man’s eyes one more time. The healing of the blind man was a true miracle, but this time it didn’t happen immediately. If you are in a process of healing or a process of full restoration, continue in your faith. You will obtain the victory!
Our approach, through years of walking in faith, is to do everything we can to see healing
and miracles, big or small. The end goal on our road to healing is to see our bodies healed, and we use every means possible—spiritual, natural, and medical. We thank God for the medical teams, machines, medicines, and treatments, and in my own healing journey we did all that was possible to get the best medical treatment available. Larry and I were determined to walk, talk, and live in faith and declare God’s promises over our lives and over my body every day—every time we thought about my need for healing.
Living by Faith in the Natural Realm
While we stand in faith in the supernatural, we do not live in denial of what is going on in the natural realm. It is not wise to bury our heads in the sand and deny realities in the natural realm. When the oncologist walked in with my test results in his hands and said, “Your CT scan and ultrasound reveal that you have aggressive, stage 3 ovarian cancer,” we did not jump up and deny the test results. However, we definitely denied cancer’s right to rule and reign in my body or in Lion’s body!
Walking in faith doesn’t mean we completely ignore the natural circumstances. Each Christian has to deal with the realities they are facing, whether in their health, family, finances, relationships, or work. We see those realities, but we deny their right to rule and reign in our lives. We live in a real world with real circumstances. Faith doesn’t mean we ignore issues or turn a blind eye to them. Faith certainly doesn’t mean we don’t tell or ask other believers to pray for us! Faith means that when we confront challenges or issues, we face them head-on and rise above them with every means possible.
More than Conquerors
The Bible says we are “more than conquerors.” If there was nothing to conquer, then Paul would not have told us this. This verse plainly shows us that God will put His super into our natural. Praise God for His supernatural! It’s important to grasp that we are conquerors—and that biblical faith and medical technology and treatments are not in conflict or opposition to each other. Why are we more than conquerors? Is it because we are faith giants? No. We are more than conquerors because we are loved by a mighty, miracle-working God!
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39.