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MICU Ambulances Providing Life Saving Support To Israel Again!

Drawing upon the critical and lifesaving support of faithful friends such as you, Larry Huch Ministries has been able to quickly answer calls for emergency assistance all across Israel.
This has been made possible through the eleven MICU ambulances and two mobile defibrillator kiosks you funded for Magen David Adom’s (MDA) use in responding to life-threatening situations.

A Journey of Faith: Pastor Larry’s Impactful Trip to Israel

Pastor Larry’s recent trip to Israel began with a visit to the holiest biblical site in all of Judaism. Here, he prayed fervently, lifting up the work of our ministry before the Lord and interceding for an outpouring of spiritual, physical, and financial blessings over our LHM partners, givers, and donors. His prayers and support enable us to fulfill Bible prophecy, bless the people of Israel, and bring Christians and Jews closer together, as foretold before the Messiah’s return. We love you and will continue to pray for you, standing in faith that God will do exceeding, abundantly above all we could ask or pray.

Israel’s Enemies Seek Her Total Destruction

At the Jerusalem Post’s recent annual conference, Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of the co-founder of Hamas, made a frightening statement. “Palestine depends on the destruction of Israel. If there is any clear definition of Palestine, it means the absence of Israel,” said Yousef.
For as long as Israel has existed, her enemies have been attacking with the sole purpose of the annihilation of the Jews from the Holy Land. These threats come from far and wide, within Israel and around the world. Larry Huch Ministries has been working with the Israel Allies Foundation as well as officials within Israel to stand with the Jewish people.

New Ambulances For Israel

Thanks to your prayers and financial support, we have been able to fully fund LHM’s third military ambulance to save even more lives in Israel.
These reinforced, military- grade ambulances are critical to the survival of Israel Defense Forces soldiers who become injured in the field. Each vehicle allows EMTs and paramedics to care for the wounded, treating them at the site of the injury. This saves precious time and precious lives.

Shavuot: A Day That Changed Everything

As we celebrate the Pentecost, or Shavuot, let us remember Jesus’ last words were to His disciples, followers and friends before His ascension to Heaven. He told them to stay and wait for the Holy Spirit in the city of Jerusalem. They did. The Holy Spirit filled every person gathered. God’s supernatural presence was clear – thunder, lightning, and speaking in other tongues. What happened that day changed the lives of everyone there and sparked a revival of the Kingdom of God that continues today! Now, as the time of Jesus’ return increases, God is again going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Be a part of this greatest awakening and revival of all time!