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MICU Ambulances Providing Life Saving Support To Israel Again!

Drawing upon the critical and lifesaving support of faithful friends such as you, Larry Huch Ministries has been able to quickly answer calls for emergency assistance all across Israel.
This has been made possible through the eleven MICU ambulances and two mobile defibrillator kiosks you funded for Magen David Adom’s (MDA) use in responding to life-threatening situations.

Bomb Shelters Will Truly Save Lives

All Jewish communities in southern Israel near Gaza are extremely vulnerable to rocket attacks from Hamas. Thankfully, LHM friends like you helped to fully fund a second mobile bomb shelter for the residents of Netiv HaAsara. Pastor Larry and the LHM team were on site when the shelter was being installed and were honored and blessed to attach the sponsorship plaque to the bomb shelter.
“This is a historic moment for Larry Huch Ministries and living for the people in Netiv HaAsara,” said Pastor Larry.

Pastor Larry Huch takes a stand for Israel at The March For The Living

This week marked the 36th International March of the Living that was held on Yom HaShoah, the Holocaust Remembrance Day. Pastor Larry was honored to be in Poland to join in the March for his second year. Displaying their solidarity with Israel, ambassadors, religious leaders, students, businessmen, and philanthropists from all over the globe joined more than 55 Holocaust survivors. However, this year was special as six survivors of the Holocaust who were also impacted by the Hamas attacks on October 7th led the march.

Israel Relief Funds Helps Thousands

The October 7th massacre did so much damage that Israel continues to suffer from its effects and still needs our help. Those being helped by your support include boys and girls who are victims of the terror, as well as families and individuals who have lost everything or have been displaced due to the deadly rocket attacks and assaults.

Military Ambulances Providing Miracle Stories In Israel

Through your most generous and timely support, Larry Huch Ministries has been able to provide two new Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) ambulances for Israel since the war with Hamas began.
One of these lifesaving vehicles was airlifted in by Magen David Adom, Israel’s top emergency medical system, and has already responded to multiple injuries caused by Hamas invaders.

Bringing Healing to Traumatized Kids

One of the most important core outreaches that Larry Huch Ministries does through our partnered work with you is to provide trauma therapy for Jewish children who have been victims of terror. You are also helping to provide special grants to parents for therapeutic care for their children’s PTSD recovery. This past year, more than 100 children ages 6 to 16 attended a recovery camp led by the Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terrorism.

Hand Delivering Hope in A Box

One of our greatest outreaches is providing for elderly Jews and Holocaust survivors.

Close to 7,500 of these elderly Jewish people are living in one of our Amigour homes where together with our partner agency in Israel we provide for them to live independently, yet remain connected to many unique social services that Larry Huch Ministries and friends like you help fund.

These safe housing units are caring environments that empower elderly Jews, like Hannah. She was a young, eight-year-old when her parents were hauled away by the Nazis to a concentration camp. She had to forage for food just to survive. That feeling of helplessness has stayed with Hannah into her adult years. Fortunately, she was able to make aliyah to Israel and now lives in one of our homes.