A Beacon of Hope: The Cohen Family’s Story of Resilience

In times of unimaginable trauma, stories like the Cohen family’s remind us of the strength of the human spirit and the profound impact of compassion. Their journey highlights the hardships faced by families in Israel and the healing power of initiatives like the Fund for Victims of Terrorism, supported by Keren Hayesod. This story is not only about enduring hardship but about finding hope and healing through community and faith.

Five years ago, during Sukkot 2019, Revital and Eli Cohen of Beersheba embarked on what was meant to be a joyful family outing to Jerusalem with their three youngest children—Talia, 6; Hodaya, 4; and Yagel, 1.5. Their first stop was the Western Wall, a sacred site for reflection and prayer. Tragically, a wrong turn led them into the neighboring village of Silwan, where they found themselves surrounded by an angry crowd. The mob pelted their car with rocks, shattering windows and damaging the vehicle. Though they miraculously escaped without physical injuries, the psychological wounds ran deep.

Anti-Semitic Dangers Are Growing Across America

Even before the Oct. 7 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel, there had been clear evidence that anti-Semitism across the globe was growing rapidly.
Recently, the FBI reported that anti-Semitic hate crimes have hit record-high levels in the United States.
Last year there was a 63% increase in all reported anti- Semitic incidents.

Need For Bomb Shelters Increase

Your support helps sponsor children’s camps through- out the year. This allows Jewish boys and girls to escape the extreme stress of terror attacks and just be kids.
Many children cannot go outside to play or even go to school due to a lack of shelter should a rocket siren activate.

Texas Tribute To Stand Firm With Israel

A significant summit was recently held in Dallas, Texas, to honor the victims of the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas massacre.
This well-attended event was designed to honor and pray for Israel as well as for the hostages who are being held captive in Hamas tunnels.
A distinguished lineup of leaders and speakers were on hand including Pastor Larry Huch, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, and many others.

Delivering A Lifeline Of Hope For Elderly Jews

Each year, your support allows Larry Huch Ministries to deliver food to help fill the pantries and tables of hundreds of older Jews.
In the past few months,we raised funds to provide Rosh Hashanah food packages with items for this Holy holiday.
We are planning to provide additional food boxes this Hanukkah for many that may not be able to celebrate it otherwise.