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Discover How Pentecost Can Transform Your Life With The Power of The Holy Spirit

Did you know that as a believer you can live in the awesome power of God all the time? You can! On the Day of Pentecost, and during the Jewish Feast of Shavuot, the believers, both Jews and Gentiles in the first Church received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They were transformed and became witnesses in Jerusalem and around the world. What happened is still changing people today!

Christ in the Passover

We are in the moedim of Passover on God’s calendar, but what is Passover about? What does it mean for Christians?
This time was important to Jesus. In Luke 22:15, we see our Jewish Jesus observed the Passover feast on the evening He was betrayed saying, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” It was His appointed time.

First Fruit Offerings Bring Blessings

Passover is a sacred time for both Christians and Jews. It is rooted in the timeless story of Exodus––where God told the Israelites to mark their homes with the blood of a lamb.Exodus 12:13 proclaims the divine protection and deliverance of this sacred holiday by saying, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” This underscores the life-transforming power of this sacred deliverance.

Now Is The Time to Revolutionize Your Thinking About Israel

Truth and Lies – Have You Been Deceived? This season reminds me of the greatest reason to stand with Israel, Jesus our Messiah.  Sometimes we can miss Him and Who He really is. Solomon wrote in the Book of Proverbs that there is a season, “a time to every purpose under Heaven.”  That is so … Read more

Bring Light and Miracles to the World Around You Today

The Light, Love and Joy of Christmas is Yours During this holiday season we see lights everywhere.  Businesses, homes, churches, and synagogues are filled with special light.  It is a joyful time.   There is such an overflowing spirit of generosity and giving.  Most people, even though they may have had a rough year, will still … Read more